Scorpio Risen

Latest Anti-Choice annoyance: “Post-Abortive Men” and the bollocks that is

Posted on: 2 February, 2008

Check out this bollocks.

Now – if that article creeped you out (holy shit – I think that bloke’s using that crucifix to compensate for something),  or annoyed/enraged/pissed you off, check out this piece by the f-word on it to calm you down a bit.  

Grr- damn those pesky anti-choicers. It seems they’d use every dirty trick in the book to undermine – or scrap – womyn’s abortion rights.

Whether it’s using shocking imagery (cheap and tacky, I know), making up ridiculous “post-abortion syndromes”, or – now – this whole ridiculous “post-abortive men” malarky.


You know, they have some damn nerve. They do, they really do. I just love how they didn’t care at the time; in fact, it even says that one of them “felt only indifference” at the time, but now – it’s a totally different story. How convenient for those damn anti-choicers. It just seems to me that they’re using these supposed “men’s tears” to try to control women and manipulate the abortion debate with false emotions.

Men’s tears? So what.

Now, I do tend to attempt to be somewhat diplomatic with most issues, but no – not this one. Usually I tend to avoid invalidating people’s feelings. But – perhaps it’s because I’m inclined to cynicism – I doubt very much they really care about those abortions. It’s more than likely that they’re just pissed they couldn’t control those women.

I’m not saying that I think men aren’t affected by abortions; as it mentions in the F-word article: “As Broadsheet’s Catherine Price says: ‘I think few people would argue that the decision to have an abortion is a serious one, and that it carries the possibility of regret. There are plenty of instances when both women and men could benefit from therapy or counseling both before and after the abortion — and it is definitely not a decision to be taken lightly.’”
But I just a smell a rat with these guys. Just reading what they said makes me stop and think, hmm – wait a sec, there’s something not quite right. I can’t see them as genuine. That’s why I’m not at all sympathetic to their “plight”.

1 Response to "Latest Anti-Choice annoyance: “Post-Abortive Men” and the bollocks that is"

Well, I wouldn’t doubt that there are some men who do experience regret/grief what have you, if their partner (or chickie they plan to kick to the curb) has an abortion. That, however, has nothing to do with her right to have one. And it in no way compares to what SHE feels, before, during and after. All these “men’s tears” shows me is that they should take seriously their part in the whole process, and realize that they share responsibility in the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy.

I have 2 teenage daughters and 1 teenage son – he’s the youngest. In those sex talks he dreads, I always impress upon him that he must — in some ways — hold himself even more responsible than his sisters do, because if an unplanned pregnancy happened with one of my daughters, it is her choice, with our family’s input, how we’ll handle that situation. If, on the other hand, my son and his gf have an unplanned pregnancy … that is his girlfriend’s choice, and her family’s choice, of how that situation will go down, and he will have to go along with that. So if he has a problem with being a teenaged father, or supporting a kid for life, or dealing with his gf having an abortion and the feelings that will come with that …… he’d best wrap it up, or better yet, keep it in his pants for a few more years.

While I do think there are men who would experience grief, I agree with you that the anti-choice folks are milking these men’s tears for all they’re worth, and I’d even go so far as to posit that they may be suggesting to these men that, heavens, they do have tears there after all … rend your clothing, gnash your teeth, men, jump on the anti-choice train so you won’t be victimized again!

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